WiFi Repair

The Xbox One is equipped with not one, not two, but three different Wi-Fi antennae! 
Each one is dedicated to a separate task, so as to minimize the data traffic on each link. This means that you are able to enjoy fast internet and low-ping online gaming, interface and open streams to your wireless home devices, and seamlessly use your wifi-direct Xbox controllers and peripherals, without one interfering with another!

If any part of the superior wireless connectivity your Xbox One offers stops working properly, your console will lose a significant part of its functionality.

Damage Indications:

You will right away identify a malfunctioning Wi-Fi antenna, when your Xbox One

  • has constantly low or no signal, even when near an access point.
  • WiFi networks don’t show up.
  • Established connections of good quality are interrupted abruptly and unjustifiably.
  • Data transmission is too slow. 
  • Wireless controllers and peripherals are not recognized by your Xbox One, or their connection is problematic.

Then you should seek to repair your Xbox One WiFi system.

Damage Repair:

At EasyService, we closely inspect your Xbox One WiFi connectivity to pinpoint the exact problem. After a faulty WiFi antenna is diagnosed, we replace it with a new 100% functional one, promptly and professionally, in order for you to enjoy what your console has to offer without limitations!

What does NOT constitute a failing WiFi antenna

It is not uncommon for our customers to mistakenly attribute WiFi connectivity issues to a malfunctioning WiFi antenna, applying for a repair service.
You should be mindful to positively match the damage indications mentioned above with whatever it is you’re experiencing, in order to save hassle, time, and wasted money. Often problems that a failing WiFi antenna is not responsible for:

  • Wrong setup / Protocol incompatibility
    The Xbox One does not support all WiFi types. Please ensure that the transmitted signal is correctly set up and compatible. (pay attention to the Wireless Protocol letters 802.11bgnac, etc. The Xbox One is not compatible with the ac standard.)
    If the problem is localized at your home network, be certain that it also occurs when using a different router, or somewhere else, like at your friend’s place. 
  • Poor Signal
    Make sure that there are as few obstacles between the access point and the Xbox One as possible, in order to minimize the noise from reflections and signal attenuation. If your console has a low signal gain, move the router and console close to each other and try again in order to make sure your WiFi antenna is indeed faulty.
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