The Nintendo DSi XL was released in Europe the first quarter of 2010, a little less than a year after the release of the DSi. It offers the same functionality as the conventional DSi, however aims to satisfy the more demanding gamers. The significantly larger and heavier design is due to two larger 4.2 inch (110mm) screens, of same resolution as its predecessor.
It also features improved battery life, which extends gaming time up to 17 hours, even though the LCDs are significantly more demanding on all brightness settings.
The...XL specifications of the DSi XL made it very popular to a wider audience, and it could not be ignored here at EasyService! Our experienced in Nintendo repairs techicians got their hands on the DSi XL from the first moment of its global distribution and learned all its complexities in relation to the DSi.
At EasyService, we offeran inclusive list of services for your precious console, whatever you may need from it.
Bring your DSi XL to us, and save stress, hassle, and wasted money!