Advanced GPU Rework with Reflow method
Ελάχιστη Χρέωση: 60.00 €
Μέσος Χρόνος Επισκευής: 4 - 7 Ημέρες
Χρόνος Εγγύησης: 3 Μήνες
For any questions, queries, Please call us at 210 3004040 or ask us to call you for free!
The EasyService Laptop Repair Department offers high quality services, covering your every need. Comprised of well-trained, certified technicians in all repair Notebook - Netbook procedures, we use the most advanced technology equipment diagnostics and repair, while introducing and maintaining a stock of Laptop spare parts for most popular laptop models in the market.
At EasyService, we repair all models of the laptop market:
We make use of the most advanced equiment for diagnosis and repair of any problem your notebook may have, even in cases where motherboard tampering is required.