Meizu Repair

Meizu manufactures the last years one of the most successful series of smartphones all over time mobile. As EasyService we LOVE Meizu products. We try to complete repairing of Meizu Smartphones or tablets in the shortest time, always with the maximum quality that EasyService offers.

Izi does everything Easy! Izi loves Meizu products.

Repair Request. Just a CLICK

We can replace any part of
Meizu Smartphone or tablet that has been broken or damaged. If your Samsung device smartphone, tablet or laptop needs repair, then it we will be our pleasure to offer our services. Do not worry EasyService is here.  For more details about repairing your favorite Meizu devices please read here.

Even if you've been told that your favorite
Meizu device cannot be repaired, in almost all cases here in EasyService we can fix it!

So we offer a comprehensive range of services with a wide range of branded spare parts, quickly and professionally solving any problem that your device may have. We know that you love your
Meizu device, EasyService also loves it. Don't loose time ,don't miss a single moment. Only 3 words quality, reliability and economy of EasyService.

If you're like us, you will know how important the proper functioning of your favorite device is.

In EasyService, we know this well and we are next to you so do not worry. We are here to help you!


Ελάχιστη Χρέωση: 0.00 € Μέσος Χρόνος Επισκευής: 1 - 4 Ημέρες Χρόνος Εγγύησης: 0 Μήνες

Data Recovery

Ελάχιστη Χρέωση: 15.00 € Μέσος Χρόνος Επισκευής: 1 - 4 Ημέρες Χρόνος Εγγύησης: 0 Μήνες

Liquid Damaged Meizu Smartphone

Ελάχιστη Χρέωση: 29.90 € Μέσος Χρόνος Επισκευής: 1 - 4 Ημέρες Χρόνος Εγγύησης: 0 Μήνες

Loudspeaker Repair

Ελάχιστη Χρέωση: 20.00 € Μέσος Χρόνος Επισκευής: 1 - 4 Ημέρες Χρόνος Εγγύησης: 0 Μήνες

Headphone Jack Repair

Ελάχιστη Χρέωση: 15.00 € Μέσος Χρόνος Επισκευής: 1 - 4 Ημέρες Χρόνος Εγγύησης: 0 Μήνες

Microphone Repair

Ελάχιστη Χρέωση: 15.00 € Μέσος Χρόνος Επισκευής: 1 - 4 Ημέρες Χρόνος Εγγύησης: 0 Μήνες

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