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Charging points for electric cars in every home.

Charging points for electric cars in every home.

In a European draft directive defines the structure charging point for electric vehicles out of every new or renovated home. This directive seems to find application until 2019. The European Union has begun to take seriously the suggestions and concerns of scientists who in recent years speak of massive and irreversible damage to the environment if people continue with the same mentality and depreciation on it.

Image result for tesla electric cars

One reason for this initiative is communications from the Netherlands and Norway, which are aimed at repealing the vehicles with internal combustion engines by 2025 and replace them with electric cars. The European Union aims to strengthen European electric vehicle market and the creation of infrastructure to support such a venture. This directive is a reference for the establishment of facilities in 10% of parking spaces.

Image result for electric cars charging

The prospects for electric cars are numerous and the benefits of a lot. Over time the use of electric vehicles could be a positive factor in the problem of non-renewable energy sources and the lack of existing and renewables when weather conditions favor the accumulation of power since the creation of recharging stations will enable vehicles to offer their electricity to the grid.

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