Repair or replacement power supply for LCD - LED - PLASMA
Repair or replacement power supply for LCD - LED - PLASMA

- No lights lcd-led-3d device?
- No picture?
- Lights up and after a while goes off ?
- Was a power failure in your area and yout TV not light up TV?

The EasyService will repair or replace your power supply having experienced technical staff and using sophisticated equipment, offering reliable information and low cost of repair. An experienced Technical Department will complete the repair of your device and you will receive it back as if it never was broken.

The technical part of composed of qualified technicians who carry out repair - service of your television, whether old or new technology (CRT-PLASMA-LCD-LED). In cooperation with all delegations of the European Market we use original spare parts and guarantee the proper functioning of the devices.

- warranty
- Supply Spare than the European delegations
- Online monitoring application development
- Notify the repair process via SMS or email

Always there, always a solution to your problem, Keep Calm, Call EasyService and Smile.

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