Installing IP (Asterisk) telephony centers

EasyService undertakes to provide you with a detailed presentation of call centers in order to inform you about the innovative solutions available and supported by our company. The IP PBX based on Asterisk will certainly cause your immediate interest as it is able to deliver to any office, company or corporation a range of solutions and services which guarantee that will solve your problems. It will prevent you from mistakes and will promote and develop your business. Prices of IP PBXs are really competitive by combining services and functionality not found in conventional PBX. 
We are able to install, plan and maintain your PBX,  so that your business is running smoothly. We can provide you with an offer for a new call center, if you're looking to upgrade your existing PBX. Also we can help you migrate your call center into your new offices
Some characteristics of an Asterisk IP PBX are:

Record all telephone calls (conversations).
- Voicemail per internal and enabled e-mail dispatch.
- Creating a Call Center.
- Analysis and call charges per interior.
- Measurement of productivity and efficiency.
- Block incoming & outgoing calls from inside.
- Telconference.
- FAX Receiving and sending by e-mail.
- Conference Call and intervention.
- Remote access to internal management.
- IVR with unlimited tree with tone dialing or voice.

We come FREE to your home/company for technical research and issue financial offer concerning technical support or maintenance WITHOUT ANY CHARGE, according to your needs.

Call us at 210 3004040 or ask us to call you back !

Remember, EasyService is always there for whatever you need.

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