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Why my screen laptop not working?

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Too many users have found in disturbed to start the operation of their laptop but while listening to sound normally find that they can not see anything on the screen. The screen stays black and looks like not opening at all then the cause of the problem is some of the following:

Damaged Display – Damaged Panel
It is very likely that the screen Laptop LCD, LED, OLED, … have been damaged, breaking, small crack. In this case, a change of the entire screen – panel with new ones. You will need to consult a specialist or company will undertake the change – replace you with a new Panel.


The inverter of a laptop is an electronic component that supplies power to the light display. When a fault occurs in the inverter, it becomes immediately apparent on the screen of your laptop. A defective inverter can create some strange problems on your display such as flickering, light up and go off without checking at random moments, is dark, illuminated unevenly, or not shown at all that is pure black. In fact if you notice the screen up close you will notice that is on and that graphically shows but simply is pitch-black – very dark. H position the inverter is usually at the bottom, inside the display enclosure and can stop working without warning. If something happens from the above it is most likely that your inverter is damaged. In this case change is needed repair or replacement of the inverter by a qualified service center.


Flex Cable

The ribbon cable connects the laptop screen with motherboard – motherboard. With the frequent use of laptop, ie the display blink can be damaged – cut or some time to stop making good contact. In such a case, the screen may flicker, to whitewash displaying horizontal / vertical lines or not shown at all. Often can the screen of your Laptop to show only a specific position – angle or needs to blink some times until you find a suitable place to show image. These indicate that there is likely a problem with the ribbon cable of your laptop. This is a failure that should not neglect because it may cause even more damage to the screen or extra and the graphics card.


VGA Card
The graphics card receives data from the motherboard and CPU, the CPU of your laptop, has her own GPU processing unit where with the help of some circuits even converts the data to the image displayed on your screen. If your monitor displays changes – artifacts in the image, such as lines, change resolution, poor color rendering, various strange pixels or if your screen does not open at all, or if you see very poor performance in 2D or 3D intensive applications then very likely risk of harm to the graphics card of your laptop. In this case you need repair by specialized personnel to repair or replace the graphics card.


The EasyService has years of experience in Laptop repairs, has in stock a wide range of original spare parts and cooperating with all official delegations – the European market parts distributors.

In EasyService check your laptop and let you know immediately the type of problem, time and repair costs. An experienced technician EasyService will undertake the repair of your laptop ensuring correct operation.

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