SuperDrive Repair

What is the SuperDrive?

Most MacBooks include an embedded SuperDrive, while newer models provide it separately as a peripheral. The SuperDrive is the MacBook’s device that reads and writes data on CD and DVD. With this device you can install applications and games or transfer files.

You can even watch your favorite movies or series.

MacBook SuperDrive damage indications

In case of SuperDrive damage you will experience the following problems:

  • Discs do not get recognized.
  • Automatic ejection of CDs.
  • Noise during reading/burning data.
  • Scratches on your CDs or DVDs.

SuperDrive MacBook causes of damage

SuperDrive damage can be caused by the misuse of the device or even a manufacturing defect. In case you have not used conventional disks, it is very likely to have caused the damage.

MacBook SuperDrive repair

The damage can be repaired by replacing the SuperDrive. Our experienced technicians will help you choose a suitable replacement according to your needs.

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