If you suspect one day that your motherboard is damaged on your iPhone 7, pay close attention as it is one of the most serious malfunctions that can occur on an iPhone and prevents you from using your device. Nevertheless, do not rush to consider this damage irreparable.
What exactly is the motherboard?
The motherboard, otherwise a motherboard, a central board or a system card, is the trunk of your iPhone 7. The microprocessor, central memory and other subsystems are attached to it, enabling communication and collaboration between the different parts of your device. As is easy to understand, it is one of the most important pieces of any electronic device.
Indications of failure:
It’s hard not to notice the indications of damage to the motherboard of the iPhone 7, as there are many. So if you notice any of the following symptoms:
- broken connector on the motherboard
- the device doesn’t power on, or it overheats.
- Network loss
- any part of your iPhone 6 is showing signs of malfunction, even though you repaired it and the replacement part is not at fault. For example:
- The LCD screen is blank.
- Your device is not charging.
- No camera is recognized.
We have already highlighted how important the damage to the motherboard can be, but that does not mean that it is irreparable. However, you need to show the appropriate attention as to where to trust your precious iPhone 7 for motherboard repair.
At EasyService, thanks to the high training of our engineers and certified technicians, as well as our top specialized diagnostic and repair equipment, we can repair the iPhone 7 at the motherboard level, with great success rates!
Initially, we detect even the slightest malfunction. We can fix any problem on the printed circuit boards, and replace any damaged electronic components or integrated circuits to restore your motherboard’s performance.
CAUTION: Due to the nature of the damage, the exact time and the repair costs are indicative and can not be determined in advance as it depends directly on the extent of the damage.