Headphone Jack Repair

The headphone jack of your iPhone 5C is an integral part of your device, playing a major role in its functionality. This is likely to be damaged after a blow or as a result of the deterioration of the device due to continuous use.

Damaged headphone jack indications on iPhone 5C

The most common occurrences of damage are:

  • Low sound from headphones
  • Reduced sound quality
  • Noise or interference
  • Monophonic sound
  • The headphones do not play at all
  • The headphones do not plug in properly. 

In iPhone 5C, the headphone jack is integrated in a common flex cable along with the lightning interface and the primary microphone. It is not uncommon for headphone issues to be accompanied with malfunctioning other subsystems as well. 

In these cases you will need to ask for a iPhone 5C headphone jack repair.

Repairing the iPhone 5C headphone jack

At EasyService, we trace the exact issue you are facing quickly and efficiently, and we inform you of the repair necessity. We can replace the faulty flex cable on which the headphone subsystem is embedded with a new 100% functional part as soon as possible, in order for you to enjoy your iPhone 5C to the fullest in no time!

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