Keep yourself safe online with these 12 security tips
Train Google to fetch your stuff
Making plans, made easy
Keep hangouts safe for everyone
Know a downpour is coming before the first raindrop falls
Multi-task while you cast
Keep the hackers out by updating your browser
Protect your account and your selfies from hackers
Let your phone worry about your flight
12 handy voice tips to make your device work harder for you, just by asking
Get the family together, no matter where they are
View your favorite artwork in your favorite pajamas
Create one awesome presentation, not 12 disjointed ones
Discover the stories behind the images on your TV
See your Android homescreen on the big screen
Set it and forget it. Keep Safety Mode locked
Give your friends a sense of direction
Create a better password than ‘password’
10 cool things you can do with Chromecast
Get a download of the upcoming day
Find your next home easily with Trulia, Zillow, and Realtor.com
Shine a light with your voice
Listen in to NPR, hands free
Open apps like a magician
See which apps are besties with Chromecast
Make your phone’s background something to stare at
Start using your phone by voice alone
Looking for fun stuff to do nearby? Just look at your phone
Check “keep track of my to-do list” off your to-do list
Have your phone tell you when to catch the train
Put your screen on lockdown
Text without your thumbs
Keep your most important documents right in your pocket
Come home to a full fridge with Instacart
Make sure your account is secure with a quick check up
Unsend that email with the extremely unfortunate typo
Your questions, answered
Tell everyone you’ll be late right from the meeting reminder
Let questionable content be known the minute you see it
Decide what movie to watch with Flixster
Dial a phone number without touching a thing
Attach files big and small
Slap a new coat of paint on your inbox
Start your Lincoln car by voice
Play YouTube like a jukebox
Discover new music with Shazam
Never lose your photos
Eyes on the road, not your phone
Queueing up YouTube is more fun with friends
Forget having to remember your friend’s addresses
Find and lock your device before the wrong hands find it
Forget the same page. Get everyone on the same calendar
Safely turn on TuneIn while driving
Cast a net for some deals
Can you send an email? Then you can send money
Make your photos move
Install apps on your phone without touching it
Save the videos you want to watch for when you actually have time to watch them
Find out when you have new email from within Chrome
Share the family computer without family conflict
Turn your lights on and off with Wink
Travel like a local with TripAdvisor
Give your photos a facelift
Celebrate your birthday with your very own Google doodle
Get from here to there with less typing
Get family-friendly results from Search
Take 50,000 songs with you wherever you go
Have all the music you love in one place
Film a video on your phone and upload to YouTube in a flash
Be first in line for YouTube’s latest hit
Cater news headlines to your taste
Coordinating multiple schedules just got coordinated
Make your TV screen a reflection of you
Launch a YouTube Mix
Keep prying eyes off your device
Let your browser manage your passwords
Turn your phone into a remote control
Know the traffic before you’re part of it
Never lose contact with your contacts
Put your Chrome browser on your TV
Create awesome videos without buying special software
Save your favorite places so you can spot them later
Say farewell to surprise purchases
Save every draft, from first to final, all in one doc
Your stuff is just a question away
Have your laptop send directions to your phone
Setting reminders just got easier
Get the score of the game without having to ask
Travel with a little less hassle
Share your Chromecast with your friends. No WiFi needed
Catch deals more easily with Walmart
Google Tips