When the Samsung Galaxy S8 accompanies you almost everywhere in your everyday life, whether it’s fun or fun, it’s unlikely at all that some liquid drops on your device. However, do not panic, just act immediately, since it is a malfunction that needs immediate treatment.
What exactly is the damage?
What you should definitely prevent from happening to your device if it gets wet is the oxidation of its motherboard, which is almost irreparable. That’s why it’s time to pass from the moment your Samsung Galaxy S8 gets wet until our technicians take it.
But there are some actions that you must do to make it easier to save it.
Immediate actions:
Turn off the Samsung Galaxy S8 instantly to minimize the possibility of a catastrophic short circuit.
Drain moisture away from sources of intense heat (eg hairdryer, oven, etc.), which may overheat it, to slow the oxidation of the circuits.
Wrap it with absorbent paper (for example, kitchen towels)
If it fell into the sea, rinse it directly with tap water
Handling Humidity Damage:
So if your Samsung Galaxy S8 gets wet, bring EasyService as fast as possible to increase your chances of repairing it.
You should be aware that specialized Samsung Galaxy S8 repair tools are required to repair the wet Samsung Galaxy S8, such as the high power ultrasonic bathtub, available only in specialized laboratories such as EasyService. Do not attempt this repair yourself if you do not know what you are doing, as it is likely that your attempt will be in vain and may cause even greater and irreparable damage.
Samsung Galaxy S8 wet repair cost:
Due to the particular nature of the damage, the cost of repairing the wetted Samsung Galaxy S8 can not be determined in advance. The final price depends on many factors, such as:
The kind of liquid
Its composition, properties such as temperature, acidity, and salt content play a key role in the difficulty of repairing. Rain, seawater, natural juice or tea or a soft drink or drink are different cases.
The extent of the damage
It directly affects the time and cost of repair work, as well as possible replacements of oxidized parts.
At EasyService, we will initially perform the necessary diagnostic tests to see if the repair is possible. We will then inform you of any parts requiring change as well as the total cost of the repair.