Silent Button Repair

Your favourite Samsung Galaxy S6 accompanies you everywhere in your daily lives. One of the many conveniences it provides is a dedicated silent button, which allows the easy setup to mute or loud call settings in a single press. Because of that, damage to your silent button can severely cripple its usability.

What exactly is the silent button?

The silent button is responsible for the activation of the mute profile of our device. This is a feature particularly useful for the times and places where you do not want to disturb other people with the noises of your device.

Damage indications:

The most common symptoms of a damaged Samsung Galaxy S6 silent button, are the following:

  • Cracked button
  • Intense wear and tear
  • Detachment
  • Malfunction

Then you should seek to repair your Samsung Galaxy S6 silent button.

At EasyService, we are at your disposal in order to offer a quality, professional repair service. We replace the damaged part with a 100% functional spare part, so that you can enjoy your Samsung Galaxy S6 like before, quickly and economically!

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