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Do you DRIVE? Look at the ROAD

Do you DRIVE? Look at the ROAD

When we drive looking FRONT, Ours EYES ARE IN OUR WAY and not on our mobile. It is an indisputable fact that one should not use the cell phone or Tablet when you leads.

The law prohibits drivers talking on their mobile phone while holding it in hand is familiar to everyone. Those who break the law pay a fine and receive penalty points. Many are those who break the law. They hold in their mobile phone hand, others hold and talk hands-free, while many others and send messages while driving. While driving need to care for our own security, but to respect and safety around us. We think about our families, loved ones and friends. LEAVE THE PHONE DOWN closes, NO REPLY AND NOT USE IT.

Stop Talk to the Phone

Several comply with the legislation and using hands-free while odigoun.Ostoso and in this case the driving is just as dangerous and at risk of being involved in an accident.

The driver’s attention distracted, while talking on the phone or hold it in hand or using hands-free, and simultaneously reduce the reaction time. Fraction second is enough to happens a crash, and by using the probabilities are multiplied mobile phone.


Sometimes unscrupulous drivers while talking on their mobile phone, commit serious traffic offenses. Not complying with traffic regulations, in particular: violation of the red light, do not stop on a road with a mandatory stop, and times removed and placed even in oncoming traffic is sparse.

As a society we do not perceive the risk of cell phone use while driving and therefore the legislation usually kept just to “save ourselves” fine or penalty.


Therefore it would be good to avoid speaking on the mobile phone while driving. If it is necessary to stop our vehicle in a safe road to talk on the phone.

But under a new research published yesterday by AT & T and Braun Research seems that there are those who can not take their eyes away from the screen of their smartphone while driving.

Nearly 70% of respondents answered that they use their mobile phone while driving. Sending messages was the most popular activity during the driving with 61% saying they have read, send or reply to a message while he was behind the wheel. Participants also answered that the same active with their email, as Facebook, as Twitter, Instagram and can even pull a video or make a selfie, and all this while driving.

Participants were 16 to 65 years and to be counted as measurable results should be equipped smartphone, use it at least once a day and make at least one trip a day by car.

The survey showed that 62% places the smartphone in an easily accessible location (in the pocket, in the coffee cup holder in the door compartment, in the passenger seat, the bag) to be able to use it whenever you wish.

Activities recorded as the most frequent during driving are:

• Messages (61%)

• Email (33%)

• Internet Navigation (28%)

• Facebook (27%)

• Selfie / other images (17%)

• Twitter (14%)

• Instagram (14%)

• Video coverage (12%)

• Video chat (10%)

To 22% said that because addiction comes to social media when it leads, and this percentage is only those who wanted to admit. Of those who declare their mobility in social media while driving, 30% of Twitter users, 21% of Facebook and 19% of Instagram, they admitted that they do “all the time”. Respectively, 22% admitted that they constantly monitor video on YouTube.

H habit, fear of losing something important and the belief that they can safely drive while control their smartphone, are the most important reasons not separated it. Other reasons for the addiction, boredom, anxiety and stress.


He or she can wait. None message,email, post, video or selfie not worth your life. When you are behind the wheel Keep your eyes on the road and not on your mobile 

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