Ear Speaker Repair

After long time intensive use, it is not unlikely issues with your LG G6 speaker appear.

What is the LG G6 speaker?

Often, there is some confusion about the terms we use when we name the various parts of a mobile phone. When we say phone speaker, or earpiece speaker, we refer to the small component located above your screen and on which you place your ear during calls. This can break with time, with the most common causes listed below:

  • Water, sweat, moisture
  • Dirt or dust particles
  • Long time use

Damage Indications:

  • You can barely hear your caller, no matter the speaker volume level.
  • You cannot hear them at all, or their voice is often interrupted, even when you both have excellent signal quality.
  • Sound reaches you highly distorted.
  • You get loud static noise.

If you experience one or more of these symptoms, the use of your LG G6 is difficult or even impossible. This is a sign you may need to repair your speaker.

Damage Repair:

If your speaker has suffered damage, bring it at EasyService! Our highly trained technicians can repair or replace your damaged speaker swiftly and professionally, so that you will be able to hear your caller clearer than ever in no time!

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