Dust, Specks, and Dark Spots on Projector Image

Projectors require cleaning and
maintenance.  Failure to do so on an annual or semi-annual basis can lead
to dust within the optical section which will show up as dots or specks on your
projector image.  If the dots are a tinted color or hue, this means that
the dust has settled on the color module, which means that the polarizing
plates need to be cleaned (lcd projector) or the color wheel needs to be
cleaned (dlp projector).  Less commonly, this could also be a result of a
damaged dlp chip (from being dropped or otherwise), or a damaged section in the
prism assembly or optical block.

The technical part of easyservice.gr composed of qualified technicians who carry out repair – service of your Projector, either old or new technology (DLP-LCD). In cooperation with all delegations of the European Market we use original spare parts and guarantee the proper functioning of the devices.

– Warranty
– Supply Genuine Parts by European delegations
– Online monitoring application development
– Notify the repair process via SMS or email

Always there, always a solution to your problem, Keep Calm, Call EasyService and Smile.

Μέσος Χρόνος Επισκευής 1 - 4Ημέρες
Ελάχιστη Χρέωση 40.00 €
Χρόνος Εγγύησης 6Μήνες
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