Overheating Laptop Repair

The problem

Is your laptop’s temperature too high?
No need to worry. Overheating is the most common case we face when we repair a laptop. It is so common, because it is a natural consequence of everyday use.
However, when a laptop works hold in such high levels, the generated heat can cause severe damage and even render your computer unusable. Therefore, you should not ignore it indefinitely, especially if you experience issues with its operation

The cause

There are a lot of factors that lead to abnormal operating temperatures, and the problem is almost always a combination of many.
Things start from the very nature of the laptop. The by design limited space crams many electronic components. Several are using much electricity, which is of course expended as heat. When the computer is new, it is easily released thanks to the cooling system, and everything works flawlessly. 

However, over time, dust and other particles accumulate to your laptop’s interior and prevent the operation of the cooling system, blocking fans and vents. 
Furthermore, thermal paste, a compound that plays a catalytic role in optimal heat dissipation , tends to wear with time and heavy use, and loses its efficiency. Thus, heat builds up in your hardware, and the temperature rises to dangerous levels.

Finally, an obvious but less common reason that causes overheating is mechanical damage to your notebook’s components

The solution

When the cause of the overheating is well known, perfectly natural, and extremely simple, the solution is even simpler, and it’s called EasyService

We methodically test your computer for possible damage that results to overheating. We then clean the laptop from dust and particles that reduce the efficiency of the cooling system, and finally renew the thermal paste on the processor and graphics card so that your laptop stays cool, no matter how much you use it.

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