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20+1 things mandatory in our car

20+1 things mandatory in our car

The car is like a second home for many of us! We use it several hours a day for business, entertainment, excursions. Whatever the use is essential to properly equip … for every eventuality!
Some items are mandatory according to the Highway Code. Others, however, it is equally necessary to be able to respond to some emergency situations but not rare.
These are 20 things that should exist in the trunk and glove box. Besides numbering let the most important for us. From the most necessary is a charged mobile device to be able to call the ambulance, police, friends, relatives. Along with the mobile still necessary is:
1. To manual
You may find it necessary dozens of times and for many reasons, from the most important (eg the type of oil to be put in lubricant service) to the simplest (eg how changing the time from winter to summer). If you’re buying a used car, be sure to check that it has the manual. Good evil never to remove it from the glove compartment of the car (and if for some reason the move, do not forget to put back in place).
2. Driving license, registration and insurance policy
Except that you are required by law to have with you these documents when you drive, you might find useful in case you need to know some details (eg if you need to fill out an amicable settlement form after an accident) . In any audit, you may be asked to show and exhaust control card, or proof that you have passed MOT. Together with the insurance policy, be sure to always have handy phone the tow company -achreiasti to ‘yes!
3. A bottle of water
In case of necessity remain in the car for hours -eg blocked traffic or blocked in chionia- and thirsty. Or because it can result in some damage and need to walk in the heat to the nearest shop, petrol station or repair shop. You can also use it to clean the glass -if finished water for the windscreen wipers. It would be nice to have a bottle made of material that does not deteriorate when exposed for hours or days at the high temperatures developed inside the car and refresh it with fresh water frequently.
4. First aid kit
Nobody ever knows when you’ll need a gauze, a little alcohol or a painkiller. And early treatment of bleeding or injury can make a huge difference! Some of the necessary to be included in the box are:
• Saline for cleaning wounds
• Alcohol
• peroxide
• Tincture of iodine
• Cotton
• Steri-strip (adhesive stitches)
• Gauze small and large, simple and sterile
• Vazelinouches dressings for burns
• Elastic bandages
• Trafmaplast
• Coolant spray
• Warming ointment
• Antibiotic powder spray
• Analgesics-Antipyretics
• Anti-inflammatory
• Antihistamines (pills and ointment)
• Antiemetics
• Antidiarrheal
• Kortizonoucha ointment
• Sticks for bites
Remember to check expiration dates and renew what is in shortage.
5. Spare wheel
Of course you have your spare tire, but it is important to check regularly that it is inflated and in good condition. And if you need to, make sure to replace it immediately once you find vulcanizer.
6. jacks and keys
Of course you have roadside assistance and that it will take to put the spare wheel if you stayed rubber. For good and for bad, however, the law requires every driver to carry with them the necessary tools to change rubber alone-or even with the help of a good man that will receive passes from there!
7. Replacement fuses for battery and light bulbs
A little damage would cause you to halt no more than a minimum attitude minutes, if you can restore yourself. Leave if you burn a lamp and fall to control traffic will be asked to pay a fine!
8. Battery Cables
Because it is a shame to find another driver willing to help you get back and forth, but no cables to “charge” your battery. It is a shame that you too can help someone who has stayed out of battery and not have the proper equipment.
9. Flashlight
Consider need to change hose into the night … you’ll be very lucky foresight to put a flashlight in the car? Do not forget to check the batteries (better yet, bring along and a second set of batteries).
10. Warning triangle and vest with reflectors
Because your security is first and foremost, it is important to be able to alert drivers who are directed to your car immobilized to cut speed.
11. Paper and pencil
To record a phone, keep a note, record details of another driver in a collision, etc.
12. Few money
If you ever happen to realize that the way you forgot to take along your wallet, you know how important it is that you leave some coins in the car. Caution: do not let a lot of money and do not have a prominent place!
13. A change of clothes
If for some reason you need to walk in the rain or dirty, why should stay with wet or soiled clothes until you return home, possibly after hours? Do not forget to leave and an extra sweater or a light coat in case it is colder than you estimated. If you have children, it is advisable to have a set of their own clothes.
14. Car Charger for mobile
Because there is always a possibility when you really need to contact someone, your phone has no battery!
15. Fire extinguisher
It is no coincidence that the Highway Code requires all drivers to have a fire extinguisher in the car. A small fire if treated immediately can prevent a major fire that could endanger human lives. Do not forget to regularly check the expiration date!
16. Adhesive tape
Provided that you know something of electro, a few centimeters of adhesive tape may be what you need to makeshift repair some damage to the car to get to the workshop. Or secure the side mirror if you find hanging on the door of someone who passed just careless of your parked car.
17. Something edible
The irritation is a bad counselor for anyone who is in the driving seat and hunger is established that causes irritation. Leave that if you’re hungry all the way to the office is more likely to make reaching a stop at tyropitadiko neighborhood -diakindynefontas and your diet. Having the car something you can masoulisete in time of need … solve both problems (but induce another called “crumbs on the seat”). Prefer something packed that does not spoil easily and gives direct action such as nuts, ryzogkofretes or cereal bars.
18. Paper
A roll of paper towels or toilet wipes or a package may be “savior” if you catch a sudden fever, if spilled coffee or if someone in the back seat stunned by speed …
19. Snow chains
Although in our minds we associate with the snow, it is necessary to boot all year. They can be used to not get bogged down in mud or sand.
20. Blanket
If you have to wait hours to restore circulation in a road that was blocked by snow, you look life-saving because you can warm without burning much gasoline to have the radiators on full house. But the blanket is useful in other cases, such as if you want to move an animal (without filling hair seats).

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