Google’s plan for faster mobile internet. H Google if you do not give us the Internet with the speed of light will not be quieted. The latest initiative that belongs to open source and called Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) – Accelerated Websites for Mobile Devices. It is the new grand plan for faster mobile internet.
According to Google, but also through analysis of many companies engaged in epskepsimotita, time viewing and objectives of various websites, every time a Web page is slow to load on a mobile device (mobile device), content creators, lose several readers who choose to visit a different website and with them potential revenue from advertising or subscriptions. So after discussions made with several content creators and technology companies decided to jointly implement this project as stated in the official blog of the company. The AMP aims to increase speed uploading websites through mobile devices and mainly smartphones and tablets that use everyday billion people to update their.
Google says it wants to help the open web remain open, but some say AMP is no better than the social network’s proprietary solution
Unless you work in the media, or have a fascination with things like the mechanics of Javascript calls in publishing software, you might have missed the launch of a Google project known as Accelerated Mobile Pages or AMP. In typical Google style, this boring name hides something fairly revolutionary — or something that could be revolutionary if enough media companies support it. But will they? And should they?
Without going into too much detail (there’s more here if you are interested in diving deeper into the technical aspects), Google has come up with its own variation on HTML, the code that underlies the web. This new version would streamline the display of most webpages by using a common library of code, so that every publisher doesn’t have to include megabytes worth of the same programming in every page, and it also allows for smart caching of that data for faster loading.
Nuzzel founder Jonathan Abrams, whose social-news app supports AMP, says that pages from websites like the New York Times that have been optimized with Google’s code load in less than half a second, compared with the usual loading time of about six seconds. And there are many who support the Google initiative, like Vox Media’s director of product Trei Brundrett, who said he was optimistic about the results:
Although the man behind the Google effort, head of news Richard Gingras, doesn’t like to describe it as such, AMP is clearly a response to Facebook’s “Instant Articles.” That’s the recently launched feature that allows certain publishing partners such as the New York Times and The Guardian to publish their content directly into Facebook’s mobile platform, so that their pages look better and load faster.
This amounts to a threat to Google in two ways: In one sense, it threatens the search giant’s advertising base, because web advertising and increasingly mobile advertising are the core of the company’s business, and if Facebook vacuums up a big chunk of that then Google suffers. And the second, related threat is that the more content gets published inside the Facebook walled garden, the less there is for Google to search. Apple’s new News offering poses a similar problem.
So Google pretty clearly has a vested interest in the open web, since that is what it has built its multibillion-dollar empire on. And it has pitched its new AMP offering as a way of strengthening the open web, and in particular the part of the web that has to do with publishing and mobile advertising.
The AMP HTML pages will incorporate some of the most popular sites such as Twitter, Pinterest, WordPress, Adobe Analytics and LinkedIn is expected and many others still want to participate in the new project of Google.