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More than 10000 iPhone 6 sold

More than 10000 iPhone 6 sold

Premiere in Greek market

Could the crisis have “kneel” many households, but some habits are not changed. So yesterday, the first day of appearance of the new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus the Greek market, many were those who rushed to stores to purchase the new devices. Most certainly they ordered or even proagorasei new mobile from the previous week.

Since the market executives estimated that up tonight, which will open the shops, they have sold 10,000 devices, and by the end of the year will have sold a total of 50,000 new iphones, according to the Nation.

This is a very large number when you consider that the prices start at 739 euros for the iPhone 6 and EUR 859 for the iPhone 6 plus.

Next week expected new orders, and according to those already made eight out of ten preferred the iPhone 6. There were few and those who ordered models with more storage space (64 instead of 16 GM), despite the fact that they cost 100 euros expensive.


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